Principal's Report

Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day was acknowledged at Aquinas last week with respectful student reflections conducted in each of our Homerooms given the restrictions around large gatherings. Thanks to the Faith and Liturgy Class for their work on these liturgies. We remember and give thanks to all those who had so bravely given their lives in the service of our country.
麻豆国产AV Board
The College Board met for the last time this week. I would like to express my thanks to all of the members for their generosity in committing to this valuable advisory group: Fr. Anthony Doran, Mr Paul Ayton (Chair), Mr Brad McDonald (Deputy Chair), Mr James Burston, Mrs Nadine Callaghan, Dr Roland Faktor, Mrs Angela Jordan, Mr Dave Mutimer, Mrs Denise Raven, Mr Dean Scott, Miss Charlotte Dring. We farewell long-serving members, Brad McDonald and Roland Faktor, whose youngest children graduate this year. Both have been extremely generous in their service to the College. Brad has also been a key member of the Board Building Sub-committee. Roland has made a valuable contribution to the Finance Sub-committee and Learning Technologies Committee. We also farewell and thank Nadine Callaghan who will stand down as the Staff Representative and Charlotte Dring completes an excellent year as Student Representative. In 2021, a School Advisory Council will replace the College Board as part of our new governance structure and we will be seeking expressions of interest for parent representation in the new year.
Enrolment Offers for 2022
Offers of enrolment for Year 7 2022 were posted this week and we hope that those who have received an offer were pleased when advised. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate every applicant and this results in some disappointment. As the start of the 2022 year is still quite distant, we do offer an option to join our waiting list should circumstances change for families in the ensuing months and vacancies arise as a result.
Year 11 Transition Program
Year 11 students complete their exam week on Monday and will celebrate in the evening with a picnic gathering. On Tuesday, their Transition to Year 12 Program commences as preparation for the year ahead. We wish our Year 11s well as they begin preparation for 2021.
Celebrate Excellence at Aquinas
Our Excellence Evening that would normally be conducted at the end of the year to recognise student achievement will be postponed until next year so that we can gather (hopefully) with parents/guardians. At this stage we are planning on conducting this event on Monday, 15th February.
Aquinas Wishing Tree
We are once again launching our annual Christmas Wishing Tree Appeal. Each year we collect gifts for those in need within our local communities. We work with St Vincent De Paul to distribute these gifts. This year, with the number of people affected by the impacts of Covid-19 there is an even greater need within our local community. Therefore, we are extending our appeal to include donations of food for Christmas Hampers as well as gifts. We are aware there are many families within our College community who are experiencing difficulties themselves as a result of Covid-19. Therefore, instead of having collections in Homerooms, we will be collecting as Year Levels. Baskets will be outside Coordinators offices in Years 9-10 and in House Areas in Years 7 and 8. At the end of the term, St Vinnies representatives will come to Aquinas and collect the donations to hand out to those who they are supporting.
Important Dates
A reminder of some key dates coming up:
November 2020
Tuesday, Nov 24 - Year 11 to 12 Transition commences
December 2020
Tuesday, Dec 2 - VCE Exams conclude
Friday, Dec 4 - Final Day Years 7 - 10
Monday, Dec 7 - Year 7 2021 Orientation Day
Friday, Dec 11 - Last day for Teaching Staff
Friday, Dec 18 - College Office closes
Thursday, Dec 30 - VCE/VCAL Results published
January 2021
Friday, Jan 22 - Middle Years and Senior Years Office opens
Wednesday, Jan 27 - Year 7 Parent Information Night
Friday, Jan 29 - Year 7 & 12 commence
February 2021
Monday, Feb 1 - Years 8 - 11 commence
Monday, Feb 1 - School photos
Darren Atkinson